Fighting Privatization

Epic Fail – a short history of privatization in Ontario (with report)

Epic Fail – a short history of privatization in Ontario (with report)


New OPSEU film documents “epic failure” of privatization in Ontario

Hiring private companies to deliver public services and finance infrastructure projects is costing Ontarians more and delivering less, a new short film from the Ontario Public Service Employees Union says.

“When it comes to value for money, privatization has been an epic failure in Ontario, yet both Conservatives and Liberals continue to aggressively promote it,” said OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas. “Citizens who are concerned about how their money is being spent need to find out more about privatization, and our new video helps them do that.”

The video, Epic Fail: A Short History of Privatization in Ontario is accompanied by a research paper documenting 20 years of privatization failures. The paper looks at case studies involving highways, IT services, medical lab testing, hospital construction, air ambulance service and more.

Epic Fail – The report

Privatization is just a pretty word for corruption.

The history of privatization in Ontario shows that what has happened is not more efficiency, but more ways to transfer wealth from working people and citizens to business owners and investors.

Download the full report and learn how privatization has nothing to do with “innovation” in public service delivery or saving money for citizens and everything to do with making money for a privileged few. It happens when politicians start to lose sight of the public interest and start thinking about their own interests.