Mobile phone with messaging applications on the screen.

Contact Us

Members: before sending us an email, please direct your questions to your steward and/or local officer to allow them the opportunity to answer your question.
OPSEU head office


100 Lesmill Rd. Toronto, ON M3B 3P8 Monday to Friday – 8:30 am to 4:30 pm 416-443-8888 1-800-268-7376
Board room

OPSEU/SEFPO Executive Board

Contact our Executive Board Members, including the President and First Vice-President/Treasurer.

Ontario flag and Ontario map

OPSEU/SEFPO Across Ontario

Contact OPSEU/SEFPO Regional Offices and Membership Centres across Ontario.
OPSEU information icon

Media Inquiries

For all media enquiries, please contact [email protected]


A complete listing of all local presidents, local executives and a listing of all local websites.