OPSEU/SEFPO members working for municipalities, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), and a variety of other public organizations and private corporations are represented by the General sector.

Sector 13 counts some 2,500 members divided among 33 bargaining units, each with its own collective agreement. Our members work for different levels of municipal government and municipally funded agencies. We are a diverse group who do things like administering Ontario Works, municipal housing, child care subsidies, road maintenance, ambulance maintenance, conservation area programming, driving buses and butterfly programs, among other areas.
Sector 14 is comprised of private contractors who provide cleaning services, security services, highway maintenance and food services.
There are approximately 1,400 members in Sector 16 with 27 locals around the province. MPAC was downloaded by the provincial government on December 31, 1998. We came out of the Ministry of Finance and were already OPSEU/SEFPO members. We assess property for the purposes of municipal taxation.