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CAAT Part-Time Support Bargaining Update

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To: CAAT part-time support members

Your bargaining team has been preparing a bargaining strategy and developing proposals that will achieve the mandate you gave us at our Final Demand-Set Meeting.

The next step in the process is to sit down with the employer and push your demands forward. We hope to see significant movement in the coming weeks.

Your team has your priorities and needs firmly in mind. We’re committed to transparency in the bargaining process and count on your strong backing as the process unfolds. Your team remains more committed than ever to getting the contract you need and deserve.

Our goal is to provide better stability for you.  We know a stronger collective agreement will take us there. Together, with unity, strength and integrity, we’ll achieve this – one layer at a time.

Once we reach a tentative agreement with the College Executive Council (CEC), we’ll bring it back to you to vote on. It’s your chance to decide if it achieves the goals you set for the current round of bargaining.

“The union will support you every step of the way” said OPSEU/SEFPO President Warren (Smokey) Thomas. “We have a lot of resources and that’s one of the key advantages of belonging to OPSEU/SEFPO.”

Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida, OPSEU/SEFPO First Vice-President/Treasurer, agreed, noting that the union’s 180,000 members have the team’s back.

“The solidarity of all our members is a powerful tool and it can make a big difference,” said Almeida.

Please ensure that we’ve got your personal email so we can contact you when action is needed. Keep checking your mail!