Social Mapping Project
Latest News
- November 8, 2024
New deadline to submit: November 25, 2024 Thanks to all of you who have been doing the hard work to get the message out about the social mapping survey. To ensure maximum participation we have decided to extend the deadline by a few weeks. This is the final push – tell your members to #GetMapped! Plus,...
- October 4, 2024
The Social Mapping Project (SMP) is a ground-breaking demographic survey and review of OPSEU/SEFPO membership systems. The project will help us identify gaps and barriers and provide ideas for how to make our union more inclusive. A core part of the project is the Social Mapping Survey, which is launching next week. Check your inbox...
- October 4, 2024
Why should I participate? The Social Mapping Survey is a fundamentally important project for OPSEU/SEFPO. The survey is conducted every five years as per OPSEU/SEFPO Policy. The union recognizes that the ever-changing demographic of the membership needs to be surveyed regularly. The information we get from members during this process will identify gaps and barriers...