Epic Fail
Latest News
- January 4, 2019
The recent spike in thefts at various LCBO locations has Warren ‘Smokey’ Thomas — president of OPSEU — calling for the government to meet and implement further security measures at store locations. “The LCBO is making some progress, but in my mind, not enough,” Thomas said. Click here to read the full article on the...
- January 4, 2019
OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas appeared on CP24’s Live at Noon on January 3 to discuss recent police reports that there are increasing numbers of impaired drivers on Ontario’s roads. Thomas said that making alcohol even more accessible – through expanded sales in grocery stores and possibly even grocery stores – would just drive impaired-driving...
- January 4, 2019
The sobering numbers look like this: more than 9,000 thefts at LCBO outlets in Toronto in the past four-and-a-half years (Jan. 1, 2014 to June 26, 2018), according to a crunching of Toronto Police Service data obtained by the Star. That makes the Liquor Control Board of Ontario far and away the most targeted retail...