Celebrating Black History Month


February 1 marks the beginning of Black History Month, a time where we recognize the diverse cultural heritage of Black Canadians and take pride in their achievements. We cannot say enough about the significant contributions that black unionists have made to OPSEU, the labour movement, the public sector and to diverse communities in Ontario

OPSEU has a proud history of fighting against social injustice and inequality. The commitment of black activists who have promoted, defended and fought for these rights is unparalleled anywhere.

OPSEU’s stand on human rights also means we recognize that black workers continue to face significant barriers in society and in the workplace—they are more likely to be marginalized, face discrimination, experience employment insecurity and exclusion from positions of authority and decision making.

No matter how much progress we make in fighting all forms of injustice, exclusion and discrimination, OPSEU will never cease our struggles. The gains we make in social justice is merely the foundation on which we continue our fight to ensure discrimination is eliminated.

OPSEU’s efforts on the social mapping project and its commitment to equity committees and caucuses are just a few examples of our commitment to diversity and equity in our union. We will ensure that we continue to build strength within so that we have the ability to lead in our communities and elsewhere.

I invite you to visit the Workers of Colour Caucus web page  to learn more about the significance of Black History Month. With greater knowledge, we all gain respect for the heritage and culture of black Canadians.

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