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The number of minimum wage earners in Ontario has doubled since2003

Woman holds a sign that says "$14! Raise the minimum wage."


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Raise the Minimum Wage Index

A new report takes a closer look at who is earning low wages in Ontario today. The Wellesley Institute, a respected non-governmental organization, examined data from Statistics Canada for the years 2003 to 2011 and found:

  • The share of Ontario workers earning the minimum wage has doubled since 2003 from 4.3 to 9 per cent.

  • Young workers, between the ages of 15 and 24, are much more likely to be making the minimum wage than older workers.

  • However, 40 per cent of minimum wage earners are 25 years of age and older.

  • Women, racialized workers and recent immigrants are more likely to be working for minimum wage.

  • Another 1 million workers earn slightly more, between $10.25 and $14.25 an hour.

  • 60 per cent of this group are 25 years of age and older.

  • Minimum wage earners and those workers who earn slightly more account for 25 per cent of the workforce.

  • Put another way, one out of four Ontario workers earns poverty-level or below poverty-level wages.

  • Raising the minimum wage would raise the floor for all Ontario workers

  • Click here for the 12-page report.

    The Ontario government has appointed a panel to advise it on a minimum wage increase. OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas will give a presentation to the panel at community consultations in Kingston on November 6.

    The Provincial Young Workers Committee endorsed the Raise the Minimum wage campaign on June 24.