Fighting Privatization

Support the NDP Opposition Day Motion to end the sale of Hydro One


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Like more than 80 per cent of Ontarians, we strongly oppose Premier Kathleen Wynne’s plan to privatize Hydro One. The Liberal government doesn’t have a mandate to sell off this important public asset.

Just because she's sold off the first batch of shares doesn't mean this fight is over. It's only over when we give up.

The Citizen’s Coalition against Privatization has been organizing a strong opposition movement to the sale. Many of the local mobilizers have been hard at work pressuring their local Councilors and MPPs. They’ve established several local chapters, garnered media attention and sent direct messages to the Premier and her MPPs calling on the Liberals to stop the sale of Hydro One.

The damning report from the Financial Accountability Officer proves what we’ve been saying all along about the privatization Hydro One. This is a bad deal.

The leader of the Ontario NDP is introducing an Opposition Day motion on Wednesday November 18th to end the sale of Hydro One.

This motion is an opportunity for all of our OPSEU members to take action. Call your local MPP, send letters and emails to urge them to support this motion by the Leader of the NDP. Find your MPP by clicking here or here

Say NO to the sell off and keep hydro public. Hydro One belongs to us all. It belongs to our kids and their kids. The clock is ticking on this deal. Don’t wait until it’s too late, because once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

In Solidarity,

Warren (Smokey) Thomas 
OPSEU President      

Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida
First Vice-President/Treasurer


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