The Social Mapping Project (SMP) is a ground-breaking demographic survey and review of OPSEU membership systems. Launched in 2010, it was the first of its kind. It has since allowed OPSEU to identify gaps and barriers by providing the necessary information to ensure services meet the needs of all its members.
The past ten years have witnessed demographic changes in Ontario. Accordingly, OPSEU completed a second census of its membership on January 26, 2020 and is currently engaged in a another membership systems review of its services to the membership. A final report to be presented at OPSEU’s Convention in May 2020 will recommend new priorities, programs and policies that place diversity, inclusion and equity at the heart of union activities.
The Social Mapping Project Survey Committee thanks the more than 27,000 OPSEU members who completed the census questionnaire. The 16 per cent of you who completed the census represent the broader OPSEU membership and have provided important data to help plan union activities in a more inclusive manner.
The researchers of Graybridge Malkam, the team hired to perform the census and systems review, are confident in the usefulness of the census results for describing our membership and are currently analyzing the data. Executive Board Member and Board Liaison to the Social Mapping Survey Committee, Laurie Nancekivell (Regional Vice-President, Region 1), thanks the members who took the time to participate in the census and “looks forward to the systems review that will provide crucial information that OPSEU can use to build the union on the foundation of diversity, inclusion and equity.”
The systems review will analyze the data from the census, and the many interviews and focus groups with OPSEU members, and make findings and recommendations that can benefit the union. The research team of Graybridge Malkam is also comparing the policies and practices that affect OPSEU’s membership with the best practices of other organizations. This research will be used to review OPSEU membership systems including governance, local services, elections, education, organizing, and campaigns. The end goal is to identify the barriers faced by equity seeking groups and find ways to eliminate them.
OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas wants an inclusive barrier-free union and says “our work and committment to increase member participation from all equity-seeking groups has resulted in a more complete understanding of our membership and Ontario’s workforce, and in turn, makes us stronger. We understand who we are and what our members need. This committment puts OPSEU on the map as a leader in human rights.”
SMP timeline
- April 6-8 2017 – Convention Resolution To Conduct 2nd SMP Passes
- April 12, 2019 — Services Agreement Signed
- May 27, 2019 – SMP Survey Committee Approves Project Plan and Governance Document
- September 24, 2019 – SMP Planning Session During Joint Leadership Day
- October 15, 2019 – Communications and Engagement Plan and Census Approved
- October 25-27, 2019 – Soft Launch at Women’s Conference
- November 8-9, 2019 – Pilot Version distributed at College Faculty Division Meeting
- November 15-17, 2019 – Official census launch at BPS Conference
- January 9-12, 2020 – Preliminary Findings Presented to Equity Gathering
- January 26, 2020 — Census Deadline (over 25,000 completed)
- March 27, 2020 – Draft Report Due on Membership Systems Review
- May 21-23, 2020 – Report to OPSEU Convention
- June 9, 2020 – SMP Implementation Task Force Meeting
- September 22, 2020 – Joint Leadership Day on SMP implementation
SMP Implementation Task Force:
- Laurie Nancekivell, Region 1 RVP
- Janel Perron, Region 3 EBM
- Peter Thompson
- Janet Heyman
- Robert Hampsey
- Elizabeth Ha
- Bonnie Eddy
- Krista Maracle
- Taylor McIntosh
- Hervé Cavanagh
- Adam Ly
- Cindy Haynes
- Morgen Veres
- Attasha Jordan
- Dianne Clarabut
- Theresa O’Connor
- Erin Warman
- Linda Kuizenga
Congratulations to the winners of the draws for completing the census:
IPad winner:
- David Papoff, Local 599 (OPS)
$50 visa gift card winners:
- Tracy Govereau, Local 476 (BPS-Paramedics)
- Ram Selvarajah, Local 524 (OPS)
- Lori Ryan-Drago, Local 137 (CAAT-Support)
- Judy Kaye Freeman, Region 2 (Hospital Professionals Division)
- Gary Peacock, Local 417 (CAAT-Academic)
- Esther Naranjo, Local 274 (BPS)
- Dave Bissoon, Local 599 (BPS)