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Save Our Jails!!! Good Jobs Build a Strong Community

In its March 29 Budget the McGuinty government announced that it would close down jails in Walkerton, Owen Sound and Sarnia. The government says it is modernizing the correctional system. This so-called “modernization” will shut down these jails despite the fact they are cost-efficient and provide an important resource to their communities.

The decision to close down the jails was made by the Finance Ministry without bothering to consult key stakeholders, including the front-line professional staff who operate these facilities. Others will be affected. Lawyers, mental health workers, probation and parole officers, aboriginal support groups and local suppliers will all be adversely affected by this short-sighted and ill-conceived move by the McGuinty government.

Dozens of correctional service workers and their families in Walkerton and Owen Sound will be adversely affected. Some will be forced to quit their careers. More than $6 million will be lost in local economies. Again, rural Ontario is under attack by decisions reached at Queen’s Park.

Join us in the campaign to ‘Save Our Jails!’ in Walkerton, Owen Sound and Sarnia.

We are taking our campaign to those who can help reverse this decision, including local MPPs, municipal councils, community groups and our partners in organized labour.

To learn how you can get involved please contact our mobilizers in Walkerton, Owen Sound and Sarnia. Tell them you want to “Save Our Jails!’ because good jobs build strong communities.

In Owen Sound
Paul Johnstone
Local 224
[email protected]

In Walkerton
Gerry Hope
Local 225
[email protected]

In Sarnia
Dave Esser
Local 128
[email protected]

Corrections MERC Chair
Dan Sidsworth
[email protected]