OPSEU's Equity Unit is seeking Harassment and Discrimination Investigators. All interested members are encouraged to submit a detailed statement of interest and/or resume that outlines relevant experience, background, and skills. Please submit your statement of interest to the Equity Unit by 5 p.m. on Friday February 12, 2016.
The Equity Unit is seeking Harassment and Discrimination Investigators in the following regions:
- Region 1: One (1) Investigator
- Region 6: One (1) investigator
The OPSEU Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy applies to all OPSEU members, including retired members and elected leaders, during any union-related duties, activities and functions. This includes, but is not limited to, local meetings, conferences, Conventions, educationals, social functions, pickets and demonstrations. It also applies to union-related interactions between members and elected union leaders in the workkplace.
The role of OPSEU Harassment and Discrimination investigators is to:
- Investigate allegations in a complaint, gather all relevant evidence, interview witnesses, and review documents;
- prepare investigation reports and recommend suitable remedies where it is believed that alleged conduct has been substantiated;
- ensure accommodation and health and safety needs are met;
- encourage the parties to mediate and resolve the complaint;
- attend mandatory training.
An investigator may also act as a mediator between parties and may act as an advisor to OPSEU Executive Board members and other parties in complex complaints through the Special Advisory Committee.
- OPSEU member in good standing
- Demonstrated understanding of and background in human rights issues;
- Demonstrated ability to advise and mediate complaints;
- Excellent information-gathering, communication, analytic writing and problem-solving skills.
We encourage members from equity-seeking groups to submit an application.
Please note this is a voluntary position but expenses will be reimbursed according to OPSEU policy.
Selected applicants are expected to commit to the positions on a long-term basis. Members who are selected for interview must be available on February 16 or 17 for interview; and successful applicants must be available for training during the week of March 7. Investigators will attend five days of training.
To apply, please send a statement of interest to:
Sophie Tome
Equity Unit
Via e-mail: [email protected]
Via fax: 416.448.7419