Event dates: Oct. 21 – 25, 2024
Location: Kingston Membership Centre, 824 John Counter Blvd, Kingston, ON K7K 2R1
Application form: Please download and complete this form
Application deadline: Applications must be received at the [email protected] email address no later than Monday, Sept. 23, 2024.
After the grievance procedure has been exhausted, an unresolved grievance can be referred to the last stage to be decided at Arbitration. This Course is intended to inform Local Union activists regarding various elements of the process at an Arbitration Hearing in order to fully appreciate what occurs during the grievance procedure and how it affects the final outcome.
Those selected for this Course will engage in a mixture of lecture-style review as well as role-play exercises. All the basic elements of what happens at a Hearing will be reviewed.
This Course is intended for Local Union Officers and Stewards who have:
- taken Grievance Handling courses, and
- have extensive grievance handling experience up to the final stages of the grievance procedure;
- have previously attended Arbitration Hearings and/or Mediation would be an asset.
Participants will be selected by the Education Committee from the applicants.
Local Presidents need to be aware that according to Board Policy, their own Local is responsible for each of its members who attend a course. When an applicant does not attend and the Regional Office has not been so advised 48 hours prior to the commencement of the Educational, the Local will be assessed a $50 penalty, to be deducted from the next Local rebate. Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration.
Members are responsible for making their own reservations directly with a hotel if required. Reimbursement for single room accommodation to a maximum of $200 per night is approved for members who live further than 60 km from the location of the event.
Lunch will be catered Friday, October 25 only. Please advise of any dietary restrictions.
Child care
Expenses for family and dependent care will be paid or provided in accordance with OPSEU/SEFPO’s Policy (please see the attached expense guidelines).
The Policy regarding payment of wages at the Educational remains the same since it was changed at the Annual Convention held in April 1999. Please see the attached information regarding this matter.
If you have any questions, please contact Alison St. Amand in the Kingston Regional Office. 1-844-765-1414 ext. 5425 or [email protected]