Public safety workers and first responders needed for mental health research study


Printable poster

Dr. Megan Edgelow and her research team from the Work and Mental Health Lab at Queen’s University are inviting first responders and public safety personnel in Ontario to participate in a survey-based research study titled “Public safety personnel mental wellness: The impact of organizational factors.”

This study is seeking to understand how workplaces impact the well-being of individuals in the public safety sector.

Please consider taking 10-20 minutes to respond to our survey. Participation is voluntary, anonymous, and confidential. This study has received ethical approval by the Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board.

Click here to take the survey or copy and paste this URL into your internet browser:

In appreciation of your time and feedback, you can choose to enter to win 1 of 20 gift cards worth $50 after completing the survey.

Should you have any questions, you can contact Dr. Edgelow at [email protected] or 613-533-6000 ext. 75593