PHOLine Bargaining Bulletin: February 2024

PHOLine a newsletter for members of Public Health Ontario

An update for members working at Public Health Ontario

Yesterday your Bargaining Team attended our Bill 124 wage reopener hearing dealing with our contract for the period of April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2023. Our case was presented to the arbitrator that our wages should be adjusted now that Bill 124 no longer exists. We are seeking retro for each of the years and asking arbitrator William Kaplan to address the fact that as frontline heroes we were never provided any pandemic pay.

We have put forward our case for the Arbitration Board to review and we expect a decision to be forthcoming in about one month. We cannot guarantee the timelines for when the decision will be released, as it will be up to the arbitrator and his schedule. Once the decision is released, we will send another update with a link to the award and a summary.

Thank you for your patience and solidarity during this time.

In solidarity,

PHO Bargaining Team:

Casey McGuire, Local 412 (Ottawa)
Bargaining Team Chair
[email protected]

Farzad Majdinasab, Local 545 (Toronto)
[email protected]

Selfa Pyentam, Local 113 (London)
[email protected]

Cathy Masterson, Local 522 (Toronto)
[email protected]