Peel Region EAs and DECEs ratify local contract, building power for central bargaining in 2026

OPSEU/SEFPO Local 2100 Education Assistants (EAs) and Designated Early Childhood Educators (DECEs) from Peel District School Board (PDSB) voted 67.2% in favour of ratifying their local contract, which runs from 2022-2026. The vote concludes a round of bargaining that saw historic levels of organizing and participation, including a 98% strike vote in December 2023.

Throughout the bargaining process, Peel Region EAs and DECEs made it clear to the employer that they need safe schools, as well as recognition and respect for the work that they do. While Local 2100 achieved a number of solid gains in their new local contract, the members have made it clear to the employer that PDSB has a lot of work to do.

Over the next two years and beyond, Local 2100 plans to enforce the strong language in both their local and central contracts in order to force PDSB to address these issues.

Local 2100 also looks forward to building on the strong organizing they did during this local round of bargaining in the lead up to 2026 central bargaining. There, they will join forces with every OPSEU/SEFPO Boards of Education local in Ontario at the bargaining table with the province.