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ORNGE Line: Management Waste Alert


Management Waste Alert

The Ontario government wants to cut the deficit through layoffs and wage cuts.
But, workers in the Ontario public service and other publicly-funded agencies provide the least costly, most efficient public services in Canada.

OPSEU thinks the government should cut management waste instead.

Filling in any of the sections below is entirely optional. Please answer as many questions as you can. The more information you provide, the more we can do with it on follow-up.

I am alerting you to wasteful spending in this ministry or other publicly-funded agency


Name of manager(s) who may be involved, know about the waste,  and/or are making the decisions:  

I am reporting the employer’s following wasteful practice:

Too many managers for size of workplace/workforce

Bonuses paid to managers and directors

Salary hikes for managers and directors

Perks for managers

Overuse of expensive consultants

Nepotism or favouritism in employment, goods or services purchased, or contract awards

Kickbacks from suppliers

Over-investment in buildings or services at the expense of staffing


My knowledge of management’s wasteful spending is:



Describe management waste in as much detail as possible, please try to include answers to these questions:

What is happening?
When did you first become aware of this?
Have you talked with a supervisor or manager about it?
Is it still going on?
I have documentation of the waste.  (eg. emails, letters, documents)


If you are comfortable with OPSEU contacting you to follow up on your submitted report to the ORANGE LINE, please fill in the following contact information:

Contact information


First Name

Middle Initial

Last Name

Home Street Address

Apt. Number



Postal Code

Telephone Number: Home

Telephone Number: Mobile

Personal  E-Mail Address

  I agree that OPSEU may contact me to confirm or expand on information in my report, but will keep my name and contact information confidential.

I agree that OPSEU may contact me to confirm or expand on information in my report and to use my name in publicity.

  Enter this code: A12X498


