OPSEU Rainbow Alliance banner

OPSEU’s Rainbow Alliance arc-en-ciel is looking for new members in Regions 2, 3 and 7!

Rainbow alliance arc-en-ciel logo

OPSEU members in good standing are encouraged to apply to join the Rainbow Alliance arc-en-ciel (RAA)!  The caucus provides representation and support to trans, bisexual, lesbian, gay, intersex, asexual, pansexual, queer, questioning, two-spirited (TBLGIAPQQ2S) members. We promote equality and a harassment-free work environment.  Tackling discrimination in the workplace means addressing and tackling discrimination in our communities, unions and homes. We work to:

  • promote TBLGIAPQQ2S involvement and leadership in the union;
  • support and educate around our members’ issues within the union;
  • create a safe space to share our experiences, knowledge and expertise; and
  • promote OPSEU’s name in our communities through Pride and solidarity.

Members with intersectional identities are encouraged to apply for a position on the Alliance Executive.  Applicants must self-identify as being a member of the TBLGIAPQQ2S community and indicate their commitment to taking on a leadership role within OPSEU, their workplaces and communities. 

Applications must be submitted to the Equity Unit at [email protected] or via fax to 416-448-7419 no later than 5:00 PM on March 17, 2020.  The Equity Unit will ensure an anonymous selection process and will remove any personally identifying information.  Selection is at the final and sole discretion of the current executive of the RAA.  Equity Unit staff do not have input over the selection process.