OPSEU is pleased to welcome 67 developmental service workers in northeast Ontario following a merger vote May 27 of two pre-existing community living associations.
The new community agency – the North Eastern Association for Community Living / Association pour Integration du Nord Est – represents a merger of the former Integration Communitaire Cochrane Community Living and the former Kapuskasing and District Association for Community Living. Going into the vote, OPSEU represented less than 50 per cent of the workers, but when the ballots were tallied more than 60 per cent elected to become part of Ontario’s Union for Changing Times.
“Developmental service workers in the northeast had a clear choice in this merger vote,” said OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas. “The result proved conclusively that when it comes to the long-term interests of workers and their families, the decision to move to OPSEU is an obvious one based on proven results.
“This is the latest and strongest signal that for developmental service workers in Ontario, OPSEU is the union of choice.”
OPSEU represents about 11,000 developmental service workers in 68 locations across Ontario.