Since US President Franklin D. Roosevelt first proclaimed March as Red Cross Month in 1943, countries around the world have used March to salute the work and legacy of the International Red Cross.
Roosevelt’s proclamation came 80 years after the Red Cross was founded in Switzerland, initially a neutral force to aid the wounded on Europe’s battlefields. The Canadian Red Cross was created during the Northwest Rebellion of 1885-96.
In addition to its traditional work in times of conflict and war, the Red Cross carries out vitally important work in the areas of disaster relief, first aid and water safety training, and community health, both here and around the world.
Whenever humanitarian conditions have created needs that must be urgently filled, the Red Cross is usually first on the scene providing food and water, clothing and shelter: from Syria to the Ebola-stricken west coast of Africa, and from Afghanistan to Haiti. Closer to home, the Red Cross has come to the aid of devastated communities like Attawapiskat, Lac-Mégantic and Fort McMurray.
After 120 years of service to Canadians, the Red Cross continues to be on the scene when we need help the most. To all those who have been part of this organization, this March we offer our heartfelt thanks.
In solidarity,
Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President
Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida, First Vice-President/Treasurer