After 12 weeks of workshops, job shadowing, and networking, 12 Member Development Trainees (MDTs) and two Staff Development Trainees (SDTs) spent the final two days of the program in Toronto.
The 14 trainees completed a workshop on member organizing and reflected on their experiences during the 12-week program. The final day included a graduation with remarks by President JP Hornick and First Vice-President/Treasurer Laurie Nancekivell. The OPSEU/SEFPO leaders congratulated the participants and spoke about their future roles as activists within their Locals, the broader labour movement, and their communities. Both JP and Laurie wished the participants well in their future with OPSEU/SEFPO and thanked them for their commitment and hard work during the last 12 weeks.
The last week of the program also provided the MDT/SDTs an opportunity to debrief with OPSEU/SEFPO Executive Board Members assigned to the program as well as Human Resources staff and the Administrator of the Communications Division, all of whom are involved in the development and administration of the program. These decision-makers heard about participant experiences and ways the program might be improved. Several program mentors were also in attendance to celebrate trainees’ accomplishments.
Suggestions included:
- lengthening the program to a minimum of 16 weeks to incorporate the time spent in workshops and educational programs;
- including a practical component where trainees have greater responsibilities for a particular workplace or project;
- incorporating a specific feedback component from mentors; and
- expanding training on the responsibilities and expectations of being a mentor or a trainee.
During the 12 week program, the MDTs and SDTs participated in a variety of workshops and job shadowing opportunities. MDTs working with staff reps participated in the Staff Representative training held in November. Those who had not participated in the Train the Trainer program were given the opportunity to attend the Staff Train the Trainer program. Finally, participants completed a learning journal that comprised their experiences over the course of the program.
What is the Membership Development Trainee Program?
The MDT (Membership Development Trainee) program was created to provide opportunities for OPSEU/SEFPO members from all sectors to experience what working in OPSEU/SEFPO would be like. It is designed to develop a pool of qualified and experienced applicants for staff vacancies that arise at OPSEU/SEFPO.
The MDT/SDT program was introduced to develop skills and experience within OPSEU/SEFPO membership and staff and assist in succession planning.
The MDT/SDT program is held annually. For all those interested, please check the OPSEU/SEFPO website next spring for details on the 2023 program.