More than 821 million people in the world don’t have enough food to eat – most of them are women. This is a startling figure, especially in a world where so much wealth is concentrated in the hands of so few.
It’s why every year on May 28th, the international community recognizes World Hunger Day, as a way to raise awareness about the need for long-lasting solutions to world hunger. As an initiative started by the Hunger Project, World Hunger Day celebrates sustainable solutions to hunger and poverty.
As a social justice union, OPSEU believes in fairness and equity. We have a longstanding history of supporting Ontario’s food banks and working with our partners – like Feed Ontario – to end poverty and hunger right here at home.
But as a social justice union we also recognize that in Canada and abroad, hunger isn’t just about a lack of food; it’s tied with other social factors including gender equality, access to high-quality public services like health care and education and good jobs.
In order to end hunger and poverty, we must demand that our governments address these social issues and others, like protecting our environment and tackling the climate crisis, which threatens our future and our children and grandchildren’s future.
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President Warren (Smokey) Thomas
First Vice-President/Treasurer Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida