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OPSEU – inSol wants to hear from you!

The OPSEU inSolidarity Committee would love to showcase your work.   We are currently accepting any written work from OPSEU members!  You can submit an article with or without a photo on any topic you feel is relevant to you, your workplace or the labour movement.  All articles will be considered, edited, and published online on our OPSEU inSolidarity web page, Facebook page and/or in our quarterly inSol publication. To facilitate this request, we ask that the submissions and pictures include:

  1. Your name, local and union position.
  2. No more than 800 words
  3. Title
  4. Ensure the topic falls under the guidelines of OPSEU’s Statement of Respect.
  5. For photos, please ensure that the participants have consented to having the photo published 
  6. All forms of submissions (recipes, poetry, etc.) are all welcome
  7. Feel free to use any writing style (hard news, soft news, editorials)

Have your voice heard, OPSEU inSolidarity is news for members with views written by members.

Visit us on Facebook at “OPSEU In Solidarity” https://www.facebook.com/Opseu-In-Solidarity-211477085985721 and on the OPSEU website at https://opseu.org/solidarity

Send all submissions to [email protected]