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OPSEU Board Confirms Action Plans to Protect Pensions


The OPSEU Executive Board has initiated a campaign to counter government moves to weaken important pension plans covering many members. These pension plans include the OPSEU Pension Trust for members from the OPS and LCBO; the CAAT Plans for academic and support college staff; OMERS for members working for municipalities and HOOPP, which covers hospital workers.

Pensions are a key issue for OPSEU members. Our union has been at the forefront in the fight to ensure a meaningful say in how our pension plans operate. The plans in which we participate are solid, yet the government is now demanding greater control over these pension plans.

With these threats ahead, the coming months will be critical ones for OPSEU members and working people everywhere. This government’s plan threatens us all.

That is why OPSEU, at its 2012 Convention, pledged to work to reduce income inequality, especially during retirement. The government is threatening to impoverish hard-working people at a point where they should be enjoying life – not worrying about income security. After all, pensions, paid for through deferred wages, are a fair return for a lifetime of hard work.

So look forward to the fight ahead.

Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President

The following motion CARRIED at the July 19, 2012 Executive Board conference call:

Moved by Elliot/Thomas

WHEREAS the Ontario Government is preparing measures that will undermine the pensions of many OPSEU members, and

WHEREAS pensions are deferred wages, set aside to fulfill a defined pension promise and thereby reduce financial hardship, and

WHEREAS the 2012 OPSEU Convention voted to endorse an Action Plan which committed the union to fight against income inequality, especially at retirement;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that OPSEU immediately commence a public education and member mobilization campaign to counter the threats to transfer pension money into a super investment agency and to force jointly sponsored pension plans to reduce pension benefits, and

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED THAT the campaign include lobbying, member and community engagement, regional involvement, social media, political action, teleconferencing and other awareness building measures, and

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED THAT this matter be a point for mobilization of the membership who are heading into bargaining, as well as any other members groups similarly affected.