The latest bargaining and mobilizing news for OPS members
A message from your Central/Unified Team
Stay strong!
Your Central/Unified Bargaining Team is currently busy working and gathering information to be prepared to meet with the employer to commence Essential and Emergency Service (EES) negotiations. At this time, we cannot estimate how long this process will take. We ask for your patience as we move through the process.
Many members have asked about EES negotiations and how that relates to a strike deadline. Be assured that EES agreements must be signed off and in place before either party (union or employer) can request a "No Board" report from the Ministry of Labour, which then starts the 17-day clock towards a legal strike or lockout deadline.
In the meantime, we need all members to continue with actions as directed by your local and service area mobilizers. Increased pressure NOW could potentially lead to further talks with the employer on outstanding contract issues even while negotiating EES agreements. But the pressure needs to continue!
Your actions to date are making a difference. Your teams want to thank each and every member for their contribution and show of support! OPSEU MEMBERS ROCK!
In the workplace, members can also show support in many ways. This includes:
- Follow only your job specifications. Do not do work you are not responsible for.
- Take your full breaks and full lunch. Don’t skip them to get extra work done,
- Do not volunteer for overtime.
- Follow the directions from your manager and follow all policies. Don’t take shortcuts.
- Enforce the collective agreement. File grievances when the employer is violating the contract (remember that even though our contract expired Dec 31st, our contract is still in force and remains that way until there is a new collective agreement).
There are many other great suggestions contained in the strike manual to help members show support. Be creative!
We know emotions can run high during this time. Rumours are often rampant. Please be confident that the union and your bargaining teams will do everything possible to protect your rights and interests and negotiate a fair contract.
So, once again, thank you for your support. Keep up the amazing work. Stay strong! We are all in this together!
A message from your Corrections Team
Corrections still bargaining
The Corrections Bargaining team is still negotiating with the employer. It has been a slow and arduous process, but we have been able to get some agreement on some issues.
Although the Central/Unified teams are preparing for EES negotiations, the Corrections team is still at the table and we are preparing to present our wage special cases and monetary package in the coming days. To be clear: both tables need to have their EES agreements completed before a ‘No Board’ can be issued and the 17-day countdown can begin.
Please continue to work in a safe and healthy manner. The Collective Agreement is still in effect and enforceable, as well as the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
The team thanks everyone for their continued support. Keep up the great work mobilizing and putting the pressure on the employer.
See you at Queen’s Park Feb. 17
Don’t forget about the rally at Queen’s Park on Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 7 a.m. The theme of the rally is “What Could You Do With 8.2?” and it is a reminder to the Liberal government that instead of wasting $8.2 billion on private contracts, they should use public dollars for public services.
See you there!
Stay tuned
OPSEU Communications will send out bargaining bulletins with updated information during OPS negotiations.
Stay informed, get involved, and show your solidarity. Together, we will get a fair and decent contract!!
Contact us:
Central/Unified Team
Corrections Team
Don’t listen to rumours! TableTalk Update is your only official communication from the OPS Bargaining Teams.
Your OPS Bargaining teams
Central/Unified Team
Roxanne Barnes, CERC (Chair)
Ron Langer, Region 1 (Vice Chair)
Elaine Young, Region 2
Betty Marchegiano, Region 3
Dylan Lineger, Region 4
Dennis Wilson, Region 5
Beth Anich, Region 6
John Watson, Region 7
Mickey Riccardi, Administration
Glenna Caldwell, Corrections
Cindy Falcao, Institutional and Health Care
Tim Elphick, Office Administration
Johanne Bourgeois, Office Administration
John Berry, Operational and Maintenance/Technical
Steve Anderson, Fixed Term
Ruth Hamilton, Staff Negotiator
Corrections Team
John McLaren, Region 1
Dan Sidsworth, Region 2
Gord Longhi, Region 3 (Vice-Chair)
Tom O’Neill, Region 4 (Chair)
Monte Vieselmeyer, Region 5
Scott McIntyre, Region 6
Barb Friday, Region 7
Anastasios Zafiriadis, Staff Negotiator
RELATED: OPS Bargaining Index
Original authorized for distribution:
Roxanne Barnes, Chair
Central/Unified Team
Tom O’Neill, Chair
Corrections Team
Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President
Ontario Public Service Employees Union
Related: OPS Bargaining 2014 Index Page