Ontario Public Service banner. OPS bargaining 2014

OPS Table Talk 2015 Issue 23 – We want a good contract!

A message from your Central/Unified Team

We Want a Good Contract!

Workplace Strategies and Tactics to make that happen!

Negotiating a contract and essential services negotiations are a complex process that is time consuming and frustrating. We want to get back to bargaining the contract; however, the employer has not removed any of the deep concessions and takeaways that they are demanding.

Their proposals of a continued wage freeze in Year 1 and 2 and no wage increase in Year 3 or 4 unless offset elsewhere, introduction  of a 12-step  wage grid, cuts to sick leave and WSIB, a tiered drug formulary, mandatory rehabilitation and more concessions to the current contract are not fair or respectful.

Many believe that bargaining takes place only at the bargaining table, but that is just one strategy we use. We need your continued support.  Political action matters. Demonstrating our solidarity is key to getting a good contract.  Examples of strategies and tactics that can be used by members include:

  1. Enforcing the terms of your collective agreement
  2. Working to contract
  3. Supporting ongoing campaigns
  4. Leafleting
  5. Attending or organizing Information Pickets
  6. Continuing your local/personal strike preparations
  7. Calling and writing your MP and MPP
  8. Wearing  your OPSEU colours  etc. to increase  the union’s  visibility
  9. Attending or providing lunch and learn sessions
  10. Sending postcards or petitions to the Premier

Getting a great contract takes maximum action; building our leverage is an ongoing process. Our mobilizers and members have being doing an awesome job. Keep up the good work. Get creative, have fun and inspire others!

A message from your Corrections Team

The Corrections bargaining team would like to thank Dan Sidsworth for his contribution to the team over the past 10 months. His knowledge and expertise have been greatly appreciated and we wish him well in his new position with OPSEU as a temporary grievance officer.

We have been informed that Jim Richards, 1st alternate from Region 2, will be joining the team effective Aug. 31. We welcome Jim to the team.

With respect to bargaining, the Corrections bargaining team and the Central/Unified Team 3, who represent Unified members in Corrections/Youth Justice, met with the employer on July 23 and reinforced our “All Out” position that no COR or Unified members were to be deemed essential. We are currently awaiting a response from the employer.

In August, the Corrections bargaining team will begin the process of addressing the resolution from the Executive Board to further explore a Corrections-only  collective agreement. The Corrections bargaining team members have started reviewing the historical documentation including the material gathered by the ad hoc committees in early 2013.     

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Related: OPS Bargaining 2014 Index Page

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