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OPS Table Talk 2015 Issue 19 – Corrections Team Update

The Corrections Bargaining Team, along with some members of the Central/Unified Team (ESSA Table #3) who have unified members in correctional worksites, met with the Employer on June 24th.

The Employer responded to the tabled, “All Out” proposal and apparently “zero” was the correct number for the Corrections Bargaining Unit. There was one exception; the Canine Handler position was proposed as an Essential Service.

To be clear, everyone in the Correctional Bargaining Unit is deemed to not be essential under the Employer’s proposal (except Canine Handler).

The Employer has proposed that Correctional Officers and Youth Services Officers would only provide Emergency Services.

With respect to the Unified Bargaining Unit (institutions and facilities), the Employer proposed to negotiate Essential numbers and levels of service for health care workers (i.e., Nurses, Pharmacy).

In Youth Facilities, the Employer is proposing that Social Workers, Chaplains and Aboriginal Spiritual Support staff provide Emergency Services.

The Corrections and Central/Unified Bargaining Teams will be reviewing the Employer’s proposal and formulating a response.

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