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OPS Bargaining Opening Proposals

On Thursday, November 20, 2014, your OPS Central/Unified and Corrections Bargaining Teams exchanged proposals with the employer for your new collective agreement.

The employer’s proposals are, to put it mildly, nothing more than a plan to completely dismantle the entire Ontario Public Service.

These proposals would fundamentally restructure the OPS. There is little in your Collective Agreement that is not affected. Under the employer’s plan, job security, pay grids, benefits, sick leave, and Long Term Insurance Protection are all reduced, weakened or negatively rewritten. The Transition Exit Initiative (TEI) is eliminated. Your pay will be frozen for another two years, and possibly as long as four years. Entitlements and premiums are eliminated. And the doors have been thrown wide open for the elimination of jobs, and the transfer of work to the private sector.

This is a blueprint for disaster for Ontario’s Public Service.

In the days ahead, we will provide a more fully-detailed breakdown of the employer’s proposals, and what each of them will mean for OPS members. We will also work to ensure you receive as much information as possible as to what is at stake.

In the meantime, we are posting the employer proposals, along with a summary of the items in them, as well as the opening proposals from your bargaining teams.

It is now clearly evident that, in this round of bargaining, we are not just fighting for improvements or to eliminate concessions. We are fighting for our jobs, and the very survival of the Ontario Public Service. We will take this fight to the employer, to the Liberal government and to the public. We will protect and defend our work, and the services all Ontarians rely upon.  

In Solidarity,

Roxanne Barnes, Chair, OPS Central/Unified Team
Tom O’Neill, Chair, OPS Corrections Team
Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President
Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida, 1st Vice-President/Treasurer

Read the opening proposals:

Related: OPS Bargaining 2014 Index Page