Click here for a PDF version of this notice.
Dear Members of OCEW,
It was brought to our attention that that two other education worker central tables – OSSTF and ETFO have reached deals providing additional retroactive wage increases for education workers for the 2019-22 period. Some of these increases will be determined by an arbitrator, with dates scheduled for January 15 and 16, 2024.
OCEW’s 2019-22 central settlement contained a “me too” provision saying that if any other education worker table got greater wage increases than OCEW for the 2019-22 period, such increases must also be provided to OCEW education workers.
We have put the government and Council of Trustees’ Associations on notice that we intend to rely on this “me too” provision. This means we expect the government and CTA to give any negotiated or arbitrated increases for 2019-22 given to any other education workers table to OCEW members.
We are awaiting the government and the CTA’s response at this time and we will update you as soon as we have more information to share.
In solidarity,
Ontario Council of Educational Workers