Olivia Chow – the fighter for Toronto we need!



Olivia Chow – the fighter for Toronto we need!

And with 20,000+ members who live in the City of Toronto, OPSEU/SEFPO members’ votes can be critical in making that happen!

The June 26 mayoral by-election is our chance to elect a new progressive mayor who will stand up for working people and build a fairer more inclusive city for ALL of us – it’s what we need after 12 long years of underfunding and disrepair.

We’ve had enough of cuts to critical services, long wait times, increased user fees and a deepening crisis – from public transit, public health, EMS, affordable housing and emergency shelters, to libraries, parks, recreation programs and the TransformTO climate action plan.

Olivia is committed to fighting for:

  • quality public services
  • Affordable housing
  • good jobs & workers’ rights
  • local democracy
  • a green & inclusive Toronto

Olivia has the momentum, the experience and the determination!

You can make a difference

Make a plan to vote

Vote on Election Day June 26. Click here to confirm your voting location.

Consider Voting for Olivia Chow – the fighter we need!

Find out more about Olivia Chow’s background, her campaign, and her plan to build a better Toronto.

How you can help Olivia win

  1. Make calls to OPSEU/SEFPO members
    to sign up, contact [email protected]
  2. Distribute flyers in your workplace
  3. Volunteer directly with Olivia’s campaign
  4. Donate to Olivia’s campaign
  5. Join the OPSEU/SEFPO Region 5 Greater Toronto Area Council’s Political Action Committee:
    Volunteer to help us connect with OPSEU/SEFPO members in Toronto on the issues and how to vote and ask them to consider supporting Olivia Chow as our best choice for Mayor. (Options include phone banking, using social media, and organizing local meetings, workplace leafleting and other events).
    Join us to reach out to the public on the issues and to support Olivia’s campaign. (Options include: leafleting, canvassing, volunteering directly with Olivia’s campaign.)
    Sign up here: https://forms.gle/wgrSPAcWqHXjHkji6
  6.  Sign up to a phone bank
    We will be using the Call Hub system. This means you can join us at OPSEU’s Regional Office at 31 Wellesley St. East or make your calls from home. The system is easy to use, and we will provide a brief tutorial at the start of each shift. All you’ll need is:
    • A laptop or desktop computer or a cell phone – preferably with headphones + microphone.
    • A reliable internet connection if calling from home.

Phone bank schedule

We will be running the phone bank on the following dates/times:

  • June 21 Phone banking Day of Action from 6 – 8:30 p.m. (on Zoom) – Sign up here!
  • Tuesdays to Fridays from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm, starting on Tues. June 13.
  • Saturday, June 24 from 12 noon to 5 pm. PLEASE SIGN UP and CLICK THE BOX FOR EACH DATE YOU CAN HELP! Once you sign up, we’ll send you the details by email before your shift(s). https://forms.gle/wZeVbTHfq6ZjxquJ8

More Information & Resources