Here is the most recent information regarding the rollout of the Ontario Council of Educational Workers (OCEW) Benefit Plan.
- The OCEW Benefit Plan welcome packages will be sent out by mail to all eligible active employees by OTIP.
- Emails to active employees from OTIP which include the welcome package will also be sent out ASAP.
- The transition date for active employees will be Friday June 1st. The exact date and time of the opening of the enrollment website is still being determined. OTIP will advise on the exact date ASAP.
- Retirees exact transition date to the new Plan to be determined. Retirees will stay with their existing plans until they are transitioned.
- Employees who are enrolled in their current benefit plan should enroll ASAP in the OCEW plan so as to ensure seamless coverage. However, those that enroll after June 1st will have coverage retroactive to June 1st
- Employees will have until the end of June to enroll in the new plan.
- Employees should ensure that they file all benefit claims incurred prior to June 1st with their previous insurance provider and to do so ASAP
- Employees who have “special considerations” or approvals with their previous carriers should get copies of those documents off their current benefit provider’s website as soon as possible because it is likely those websites will be inactive after June 1st. The decision regarding coverage for the “special considerations” or approvals will be made by OTIP going forward.