NUPGE’s 2024 scholarships: Applications due June 30!


The deadline to apply for nine NUPGE scholarships for the 2024-25 academic year has been announced for June 30 at 5 p.m. EDT. Each scholarship carries a $2,500 award.

You must be a child/grandchild, foster child/grandchild) or legal ward of a current or retired member of a component or a component’s affiliate of NUPGE – this includes OPSEU/SEFPO members – and are entering your first year of full-time post-secondary education in Canada this September.

To apply, you must fill in an online application form and include an original 750-to-1,000-word essay on this year’s topics, unique to each scholarship. You cannot email, mail or fax your application.

Here are the nine scholarships offered:

  • Brian Fudge Memorial Scholarship for students planning to enter a field of study in policing, criminal justice, community services or health care
  • Scholarship for Black students
  • Scholarship for Indigenous students
  • Scholarship for 2SLGBTQIA+ students
  • Scholarship for Students of Colour
  • Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship for students with a disability
  • Tommy Douglas Scholarship for any students
  • Young Worker Scholarship (two will be awarded) for any students under the age of 31

You may apply to any and all scholarships for which you are eligible. However, only one award may be awarded.

Due to the eligibility rules for the Young Worker Scholarships, you may apply again in subsequent years, as long as you haven’t already won this scholarship, you’re still in school and you’re under the age of 31.

Be sure to apply by 5 p.m. EDT on June 30, 2024. For any questions, please email [email protected].