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Notice to CCAC Pension Class Action members


The Representative Plaintiffs in the CCAC Pension Class Action have brought a motion for an order from the Superior Court of Justice asking that the court confirm that all necessary steps have now been taken in the administration of the settlement.  The motion will be heard on Thursday June 11, 2015 at 10 a.m. in Courtroom 9 at Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON.

The Representative Plaintiffs seek an order from the court that the Representative Plaintiffs, their professional advisors, the Third Party Administrator, and the Referee have completed the administration of the CCAC Pension Class Action settlement and are therefore discharged from any further duties under the settlement or any related Court Orders.  The court will also determine how the remaining Settlement Funds will be distributed. Out of the original $6.5 million in Settlement Funds, the total amount of the undistributed Settlement Funds is, as of this date, approximately $10,980.00.

You can view the Motion Record by clicking the link below.  If you have any questions about this motion, they can be directed to Karen Ensslen at Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP at [email protected].
