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New executive pay regulations overlook government contractors


Toronto – New regulations on executive pay announced Tuesday by the Ontario government are a step in the right direction, but fail to increase transparency and accountability around government payments to the growing number of private contractors.

“After significant public pressure, the government has taken a step in the right direction by setting out clear guidelines for executive pay in the broader public sector,” said OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas. “Sadly, however, these changes continue to leave the millions of dollars paid each year to private contractors and Bay Street lawyers hidden in the shadows.

“As we’ve been pointing out for years, it’s past time to shine a light on these payments. That’s why we’ve called on the Liberals at Queen’s Park to put government contractors on the “Sunshine List” under the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act. These contractors are being paid with public money to do work in the public interest, but this government continues to act as if the public doesn’t deserve to know where their money is going.”

The new regulations also include a requirement that organizations undertake meaningful consultation with the public as part of the process of determining the appropriate compensation for executives. This move, which will allow the public a say in the compensation framework, is a positive step that OPSEU looks forward to taking part in.

“I’m pleased to see the introduction of the requirement for real, meaningful public consultation on executive compensation,” noted Thomas. “After all, these are public organizations. We built them, we own them, and we all rely on them for the critical services they provide.

“OPSEU members who work for these public organizations look forward to participating thoroughly in these consultations to share their perspectives on appropriate compensation levels for executives.”

For more information: Craig Ashbourne, A/Communications Officer, OPSEU, 226-821-1725