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Municipally Speaking newsletter for Sector 13 members: Winter 2018

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Bargaining Conference Feedback/ Highlights

We would like to thank all of the members who attended our first Bargaining Conference, held in Barrie on Saturday, October 21, 2017. The discussions and participation from all members helped to make this conference a success. Over 12 people from various locals attended the one-day conference to discuss bargaining strategies and review highlights of settlements. The Divisional Executive (DivEx) reviewed feedback on the conference and attendees noted how useful all of the materials and tools will be for future planning and negotiations. We are looking to build on this conference and host another bargaining conference in the fall of 2018. We will be sending out an online poll to determine the best location based on members interested in attending.

Two Year Work Plan

2015-2017 was a busy time for your executive! We are proud to say that we accomplished all of our goals:

  • We held four meetings per year and ensured newsletters were sent out twice a year.
  • With a lot of hard work and dedication from the research department, we were able to review language in contracts and provide members with the best language.
  • We routinely reviewed bargaining updates to ensure we were up-to-date on bargaining settlements, and promoted the policies and campaigns of the union.
  • And finally … we held our first bargaining conference!

Looking ahead to our 2017- 2019 work plan, we have committed to the following:

  • Four two-day meetings per year: two in-person and two by web or tele-conference.
  • Following the bargaining conference in October 2017, the sector negotiator will make contact with the staff reps to ensure they have the research and the priorities that were set at the conference.
  • Send out minutes of all DivEx meetings to all Unit Highest Ranking.
  • Ensure there are two newsletters each year.
  • Complete and send to the OPSEU Executive Board a report on the October 2017 Bargaining Conference.
  • Share information and encourage active participation in the 2018 municipal election.
  • Actively work towards getting a more accurate email/ contact list by including a reminder in the newsletter and sharing with our locals/units, so that when folks sign in for the meetings, they are providing the information to OPSEU.
  • Bargaining Updates – standing agenda items to ensure that the Executive is up to date on bargaining settlements.
  • Promote the policies and campaigns of the union.
  • Proposal for Bargaining Conference in 2018.

Bill 148

Bill 148 has passed—be sure to touch base with your staff reps to find out what type of impact this may have on your collective agreement.

Contact Information

If you haven’t already done so, please login to the member portal on the OPSEU website to update your contact information. We want to ensure you receive information about upcoming conferences and negotiations.
Go to www.opseu.org. Click on “For Members” and then click on “Member Portal”

Minutes from Meetings

We will now be sending the minutes from all of our sector DivEx meetings to
the highest ranking/ president. These minutes should be forwarded on to you for your

Your DivEx

Chair: Tara Langford, tlangford70@hotmail.com
Vice-Chair: Theresa O’Connor, theresaoconnor59@yahoo.ca
Secretary: Dwayne Ebbers, jan122000@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Pam Schmidt, pschmidt@cogeco.ca
Communications: Kerri Wells, kerriwells8734@gmail.com