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Muki Baum workers ratify new contract


Developmental Services workers from OPSEU Local 573 at Muki Baum Asssociation for the Rehabilitation of the Multi-handicapped ratified a new collective agreement on December 20.

Highlights of the new contract include:

  • Wage increase for all staff including lump sum payments in the first two years and 50 cent an hour increases in each of the third and fourth years
  • Mileage increase to 40 cents/km
  • Improved bereavement leave for Part-Time staff
  • New allowances for Relief staff to choose to work overtime
  • Increase to allowable hours in Lieu time bank
  • New part-time conversion and grand-parenting of qualification language
  • Improved language regarding training schedules, transfers, driving duties and work assignments

The deal was reached with strong support of the bargaining team from the members of the local, and open and professional communications at the table.