Bargaining team continues to meet as members rally in support
With less than 12 hours until the 12:01 a.m. strike deadline tonight, the OPSEU bargaining team continues to bargain for a deal that reflects the fact that workers at MPAC deliver real value for municipalities across the province. Following yesterday’s rally in Toronto, members at the London MPAC office held an information picket and rally this morning to show their support for the bargaining team’s demands for a fair contract.
MPAC workers hold an early-morning rally in London
What to expect today
As talks approach the midnight strike deadline, I know that members will be anxious to know what is going on, and what they should expect the situation to be in the morning.
Starting this afternoon, we will begin sending regular emails from OPSEU Communications to all members who have provided non-employer email addresses. We will continue to work towards a deal right up to the deadline, but the reality is that there may be limited information available at times. Despite this, we will ensure members receive regular updates and we will make every effort to get information to members as quickly as possible.
Should the employer refuse to offer a fair deal before the deadline, we will be on strike effective 12:01 a.m. If this occurs, you should expect to receive a message from the bargaining team shortly thereafter to confirm this.
If this happens, we will be setting up pickets at 7:30 a.m. across the province. You will receive further details on plans for picketing from your local strike leads. I would ask all members to come out for these morning pickets. In order to keep up pressure for a fair deal, it is important that the employer sees a strong presence at MPAC offices.
On behalf of your bargaining team, thank you for all the support you’ve shown us so far. Whether it’s through wearing black and wearing your bargaining buttons to the office or joining rallies and information pickets, you have sent a clear message to the employer that you stand with us in our demand for a deal that recognizes the real value that you deliver each and every day. As we continue to push for a deal, that support will continue to be key to getting the deal that each one of us deserves.
In solidarity,
David Lynch
Chair, OPSEU Bargaining Team at MPAC