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More long-term care workers join OPSEU

It's my nature to Care: Long Term Care

Nearly 70 frontline workers at the Village Green long-term care facility outside of Kingston wanted a union strong enough to help them provide better services and care. 
By joining OPSEU, that’s exactly what they’re going to get.
“Facing the most chaotic and destructive government we’ve seen for a generation, the frontline workers at Village Green know they need a strong voice and a strong union,” said OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas. “I’m delighted they have joined OPSEU. We’re working together to win.”
The new members at Village Green — which is owned by Omni Healthcare and is located in the Village of Selby – are health care providers working in a number of positions including registered practical nurses, personal service workers, and dietary aides. 
Along with better benefits for all, they are also seeking better protection for part-time workers.
“To these new members, I say: ‘Welcome home,’” said Joan Corradetti, Chair of OPSEU’s Long-Term Care sector. “You are joining a union that knows long-term care because we represent thousands of long-term care workers across the province.
“There’s strength in numbers, and our numbers are growing bigger every year.”
OPSEU First Vice-President Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida said that by joining OPSEU, the Village Green workers are standing up not just for themselves, but for the people they care for.
“Doug Ford has promised to increase long-term care beds in the province by 15,000 over the next 10 years,” said Almeida. “But we need to make sure that those beds are properly supported by workers who have the time and tools they need to provide quality care.  
“By joining OPSEU, the Village Green workers will have the strength and support they need to fight for the quality care we all deserve.”