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Montage Support Services members deliver unanimous support for their bargaining team!


Workers from Montage Support Services Local 597 voted 100 percent in favour of strike action if the employer refuses to offer a fair contract at the bargaining table.

The employer has proposed a large reduction to the payment of benefit premiums for full-time workers, unreasonable increases in probationary periods for new hires, language that would dismiss a worker for missing a single shift and increasing the length of time that discipline can be imposed.  The Union is asking for pay equalization for its members who do equal amounts of work and only very small wage increases to offset the cost of living.

The Developmental Service Sector in general is seriously under-funded and the workforce is becoming less of a career and more a series of part-time jobs. Many of the members of Local 597 must work two or more jobs as they are only able to secure part-time work with this employer while full time positions are not being filled once they are vacated.

The Local 597 bargaining team has the full support of the membership to get a fair deal for its members, Bargaining will resume in the new year.