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Ministry of Labour workers to protest layoffs at London info rally Oct. 4 2012

Ministry of Labour staff in London will demonstrate outside their York Street offices on Thursday Oct. 4 to demand the immediate reinstatement of 19 employment standards officers, including two from London, who were laid off on Sept. 20. Their lay offs came three days after Labour Minister Linda Jeffrey announced the Ministry planned to hire 18 additional officers.

“We plan to protest against the Ministry’s blatant double-standard when it comes to hirings and firings,” said Lorna Bulgin, president of OPSEU Local 102 which represents Ministry of Labour staff in London. “Our members enforce employment standards and by weakening our numbers we put at greater risk marginalized part-time workers, like many new Canadians, who face predatory employers over issues like wages, hours of work, paid holidays and other regulations under the Employment Standards Act.”


Ministry of Labour staff plan demonstration outside York St. offices Oct. 4

Date: Thursday Oct. 4, 2012
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Location: 217 York Street, London

Read the Rally Flyer

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More information:
Lorna Bulgin OPSEU Local 102 President 519-719-9822