Case count as of March 28, 2020 |
Area |
Case count |
Change from yesterday |
Deaths |
Change from yesterday |
Worldwide total |
627,891 |
+89,193 |
28,898 |
+4,665 |
Europe |
340,220 |
+53,386 |
20,219 |
+3,820 |
China |
81,394 |
+54 |
3,295 |
+03 |
Middle East |
49,639 |
+6,565 |
2,689 |
+171 |
Asia & Oceania |
26,860 |
+2,528 |
473 |
+59 |
Africa |
3,889 |
+532 |
115 |
+23 |
Latin America and Caribbean |
12,387 |
+2,297 |
243 |
+61 |
North America |
113,502 |
+23,831 |
1,864 |
+528 |
United States |
108,745 |
+23,247 |
1,809 |
+512 |
Canada |
4,757 |
+584 |
55 |
+16 |
- 151 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 1144 (this includes eight resolved cases and 18 deaths).
- In Ontario, there are 8,690 persons under investigation with lab results pending.
Actions Taken:
- A Minister’s Order was issued today directing health system providers to report PPE inventories on a daily basis to the ministry to optimize the availability of PPE to protect Ontario’s front-line health care providers against exposure to COVID-19 and maintain a centralized repository of information respecting the availability of PPE supplies across the province (attached with reporting form). Please Note: Home and Community Care providers are asked to use the survey they received yesterday. Long Term Care Homes are asked to use the link they were sent today through email.
- The ministry also issued an update on the PPE stewardship, procurement and distribution (attached).
- The Ontario government is proclaiming the Supply Chain Management Act to make sure critical supplies, equipment and services can be deployed to where they are needed most. These regulations will enable the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services and the Ministry of Health to centrally manage public sector supply chains. It will allow the collection of key data on inventories, orders and supply constraints and the development of a virtual inventory tool so that demand for crucial supplies are visible and trackable.
- The Ontario government announced new penalties to combat price gouging and hold offenders accountable for raising prices significantly on the necessary goods Ontarians need to protect themselves and their families from COVID-19.
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch