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Ministry of Health coronavirus situation report #54



  • Case counts as of March 19, 2020:
    • China: 80,928 cases; 3,245 deaths
    • Asia & Oceania: 14,108 cases; 192 deaths (South Korea – 91)
    • Europe: 95,831 cases; 4,326 deaths (Italy – 2,978)
    • Middle East: 21,021; 1,304 deaths (Iran – 1,284)
    • Africa: 673 cases; 18 deaths
    • Latin America and Caribbean: 1,824 cases; 18 deaths
    • North America: 10,086 cases
      • United States – 9,368 cases; 154 deaths
      • Canada – 770 cases; 10 deaths
  • 43 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 257 (this includes five resolved cases and two deaths).

·        In Ontario, there are 3972 persons under investigation with lab results pending.

Actions Taken:

  • Guidance for the following sectors have been updated and uploaded to the ministry’s website: Home and Community Care, Long-Term Care (minor amendment), and Acute Care.
  • Minor changes were made to the Guidance for Food Premises and has been attached to this Situation Report.
  • The Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) issued a directive to Regulated Health Care Providers regarding the need to ramp down elective surgeries and non-emergent activities in order to preserve system capacity to deal effectively with COVID-19.
  • A memo has been issued to public and private hospitals advising visitation restriction, with some exceptions.
  • Earlier today, the CMOH issued the attached memo regarding Health Worker Illness and Return to Work.
  • A memo was sent earlier today to hospital CEOs and Emergency Departments requesting support for the adoption of the Acute Care Enhanced Surveillance system and the electronic Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale application in hospitals as soon as possible to support enhanced surveillance as part of the provincial COVID-19 response effort. A technical one pager has also been included.
  • The Ministry of Health and Ontario Health have provided LHINs and approved agencies (e.g. approved hospitals) with information and guidance to expand virtually delivered home and community care services, as outlined under the Home Care and Community Services Act, 1994.

Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch