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Ministry of Health coronavirus situation report #49


Table of Contents


  • Case counts as of March 14, 2020:
    • China: 80,824 cases; 3,189 deaths
    • Asia & Oceania: 10,893 cases; 123 deaths (South Korea – 72)
    • Europe: 44,840 cases; 1,796 deaths (Italy – 1,441)
    • Middle East: 13,874 cases; 623 deaths (Iran – 611)
    • Africa: 154 cases; 4 deaths
    • Latin America and Caribbean: 273 cases; 2 deaths
    • North America: 2,875 cases
      • United States – 2,657 cases; 50 deaths
      • Canada – 218 cases; 1 death
  • 22 new cases were reported today in Ontario, bringing the cumulative total to 101 (this includes 5 resolved cases).
    • In Ontario, there are 939 persons under investigation with lab results pending.
    • The Government of Canada announced that a third person from the Grand Princess cruise ship who is currently in quarantine at CFB Trenton has tested positive for COVID-19.

 Actions Taken:

  • An initial COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool has been posted to the Ontario Government site. Individuals who suspect they have COVID-19 can consult this tool to determine whether and how to seek further care. An automated click-through version of the tool is under development.
  • The ministry received a number of questions regarding the updated case definition as well as the recent announcements regarding travel:
    • The latest case definition shared yesterday clarifies that testing should continue to be conducted for individuals who are symptomatic and have travelled or have had close contact with someone who has travelled or a confirmed case. Asymptomatic individuals should not be tested. The ministry will continue to monitor and consider modifications to the testing criteria.
    • A number of travel-related announcements have been made over the past 48 hours. As this continues to be a rapidly-evolving area, the ministry will have further discussions with other jurisdictions and attempt to clarify recommendations as well as other questions (e.g. health care workers).
      • The current guidance from the Chief Medical Officer of Health generally requests returning travellers to self-monitor for 14 days. There are exceptions for children as well as for travellers to specific areas of concern (e.g. Hubei) who are being requested to self-isolate.

Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch 

Visit https://opseu.org/2019-novel-coronavirus-covid-19/ for more information on the The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), including situation reports and related news,