Mental Health and Addictions Division virtual quarterly meeting


As part of OPSEU/SEFPO’s Mental Health and Addictions Sector’s virtual quarterly meetings, all members are invited to a virtual meeting on zoom at 7:00 pm EST on Thursday, December 8. The subject will be on health and wellbeing for mental health and addictions workers.

Sara Hagstrom will be joining as a guest speaker. 

Sara works as a Psychologist and is the Clinical and Regional Training Lead for the Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program, Northwestern Region. Passionate about health and wellbeing, Sara has immersed herself in her community throughout her life, spending time with the volunteer fire department, and with the local police peer support team as the clinical specialist. She is a site visitor for the Canadian Psychological Association, sits on national boards within the field of psychology (CPA, CCPPP), and visits seniors with her therapy dog Sadie with St. John’s Ambulance.

The group will discuss wellness tools and resources available to assist you to continue to perform the important work you do.

Thursday, December 8, 2022, 7:00 p.m. EST

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 824 0347 5749

Passcode: 234711