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LockTalk, Issue 4: Thank you!

Thank you!

Your Correctional bargaining team would like to thank all of our members who attended Queen’s Park on Thursday, October 26 to show support.  We also would like to thank the local leadership and all members who took part in events at workplaces province-wide. Your continued support encourages and motivates us to continue to lobby the government to improve our working conditions by investing in frontline staff to end the Crisis in Corrections. 

Click here to download LockTalk, Issue 4

While at Queen’s Park, as guests of NDP critic Taras Natyshak, your bargaining team also had the opportunity to meet with MCSCS Minister Marie-France Lalonde as well as PC critic Rick Nicholls. 

This week also gave your team the opportunity to meet with the OPSEU legal department, grievance officers, and other resources to assist us in formulating our opening position.  We are continuing to review disclosure documents and special-case submissions. 

Bargaining team members met with the employer on Wednesday, October 25 for discussion on merging the collective agreement and logistical matters. We will meet again next week.

Next week the team will continue to research and prepare for issues bargaining.

We would like to welcome Gissel Yanez to the team who has been assigned as OPSEU staff negotiator. Welcome, Gissel!

Bargaining team members

Chris Jackel (Chair) | CO
Glenna Caldwell (Vice-Chair) | PO
Chad Oldfield | CO
Ken Steinbrunner | CO
Randy Simpraga | CO
Rob Nimer | MemberAtLge (CO)
Peter Harding | YSO
Scott McIntyre | PPO
Thomas Moffat | PO/PPO
Autum Butsch | IHC
Chris Abbott | ADM/Tech
Greg Arnold | Multi-Category (Bailiff)
Yvonne Latchford | FXT (YSO)
Gissel Yanez, OPSEU Negotiator

Email communication

Your bargaining team will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible to all bargaining-related emails sent to [email protected]. We will not respond to any bargaining‑related emails sent to our personal email addresses, nor will we respond to any bargaining‑related queries on any social media platforms. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

In solidarity,
Your corrections bargaining team

LockTalk is authorized for distribution by Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President, OPSEU, and Chris Jackel, chair, Corrections bargaining team.