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Over the last month, your Correctional Bargaining Team has been busy preparing our opening statement and proposals. These proposals aim to address the priorities that the Correctional Bargaining Unit set through the demand set survey. You can review the priorities in Lock Talk #1.
It is our goal to bring back a negotiated collective agreement to the membership for a ratification vote that offers meaningful gains to this division. The Employer has indicated they have a similar inclination. The Team has proposed dates in December to the Employer for the parties to sit down and get to work at the bargaining table.
Mobilizers building and strengthening lines of communication
Our mobilizers have completed training and are hard at work building channels for two-way communication between the Bargaining Team and you, the members. One of the key tasks of the mobilizers is to update the contact information for as many members as possible. This will help you stay informed as we navigate the bargaining process.
If you have not done so, it is vital that you provide a secure email address when asked to do so by either a mobilizer or by your local. It is important that you do not use your ministry ( email address for union communications.
Click here to update your contact information in the online OPSEU/SEFPO Member Portal today!
Be ready for solidarity actions to build a united front
We all know the challenges that we face in our workplaces, whether that be in an institution, facility or probation office. These issues go far beyond wages and benefits. We are working in some of the most dangerous and challenging working conditions in the province that have been left unaddressed for far too long.
It is likely that during the coming months, the division will be called upon to participate in solidarity events to support our demands at the bargaining table. It is vital that members actively participate in these events. No matter how trivial it may seem, the Employer pays attention to how united we are as a division. In key moments our bargaining unit has had a strong history of sending a powerful message as a united front.
Remember, Lock Talk is your ONLY source of accurate bargaining information. Members should be aware that individual bargaining team members cannot respond to any bargaining-related questions or concerns. If you have questions, please contact the Correctional Bargaining Team at [email protected].
In solidarity,
Janet Laverty, Chair, Correctional Bargaining Team
Adam Cygler, Vice-Chair, Correctional Bargaining Team