After a few short months, Lock Talk, the voice of the Correctional Bargaining Team, is back. As we enter a fresh round of negotiations, remember that Lock Talk is your only source for accurate and up-to-date information.
Although we just settled our Collective Agreement, and editing remains ongoing, the agreement expires on December 31, 2024. Your Correctional Bargaining Team completed training last week and is now back at the table preparing to meet with the Employer.
Bargaining Survey Update
Your Correctional Bargaining Team would like to thank the members who took the time to complete the bargaining survey that closed on September 3, 2024. We noted that over half of survey respondents indicated they have fewer than ten years of seniority. The survey only took about 10 minutes to complete, but the results are vital to the Team. The priorities identified through the survey provide the Team with its mandate for this round of bargaining.
The survey results are indicative of what many of us know about our workplaces—they are rife with dysfunction. Most survey respondents indicated that they had issues with the culture of their workplaces and how their managers treat them, do not feel supported by their managers, suffer from burnout and/or excessive caseloads, are not comfortable bringing issues to their supervisors, and face barriers to advancement.
- Members identified other areas of concern, including:
- Wages
- Being unsatisfied with their current benefit entitlements
- Being dissatisfied with Manulife as their health benefits provider
- They are looking for improvements to various leave entitlements, such as vacation
- They are looking for meaningful and significant pension improvements
- They are concerned with their benefits upon retirement as there is no mechanism for the Correctional Bargaining Team to bargain post-retirement benefits to meet the unique needs of correctional workers
In the coming months, your Bargaining Team will develop proposals to address our bargaining unit’s unique needs and will provide updates through future editions of Lock Talk.
Bargaining Questions
Members should be aware that individual Bargaining Team members cannot respond to any bargaining-related questions or concerns. If you have questions, please contact the Bargaining Team at [email protected] from your personal email address. Your Bargaining Team will make every effort to respond in a timely manner. Questions raised on other platforms, including social media, will not be responded to by individual team members.
Mobilizing Roles
In accordance with Section 4 of the Bargaining Procedures, the Correctional Bargaining Team will be seeking five (5) individuals to fill mobilizer roles for this round of bargaining. Details of the role and responsibilities will be included in an expression of interest that will be sent out via email early next week. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on October 4, 2024.
Meet your 2024 Correctional Bargaining Team members
Janet Laverty – Bargaining Team Chair – Correctional Officer Representative
- Janet is a Correctional Officer at Elgin Middlesex Detention Centre. She started as a Youth Services Officer in 1997 at the Bluewater Youth Centre and transferred to the Adult system in 1998 as a Correctional Officer at the Stratford Jail. Janet also worked at the Walkerton Jail until it’s decommissioning in 2011. Currently Janet is the SolGen MERC Vice-Chair and was the Chair of the 2021 Correctional Bargaining Team.
Adam Cygler – Bargaining Team Vice-Chair – Institutional Health Care Representative
- Adam is a Social Work Supervisor at the Ontario Correctional Institute. He started his career with SolGen as a Social Worker in 2008 at Central North Correctional Centre, before transferring to OCI in 2013. Adam is currently the SolGen MERC Multi-Category Member, the Chair of the Occupational Stress and Injury subcommittee, and was the Vice-Chair of the 2021 Correctional Bargaining Team.
Michelle Canning – Multi-Category Representative
- Michelle is a Recreation Officer at Central East Correctional Centre. She started her career as a Correctional Officer in 1992 at the Peterborough Jail. She worked as a Correctional Officer at the Millbrook Correctional Centre and Central East Correctional Centre, prior to becoming a Rehabilitation Officer in 2013. Michelle is a Steward at CECC and was the Multi-Category representative on the 2021 Correctional Bargaining Team.
Mike Fallon – Youth Services Officer Representative
- Mike is a Youth Services Officer at Sprucedale Youth Centre. He started his career in 2010 as a YSO at the Roy McMurtry Youth Centre. He was local President for 5 years at RMYC and joined the YJ MERC as the Member-at-Large in 2018. He is currently the Chair of the YJ MERC and Vice-Chair of BMERC.
Zach Fildey – Member-at-Large Representative
- Zach is a Correctional Officer at Maplehurst Correctional Complex. He began his career in 2017. He is currently a Steward and co-chair of the local JOHSC. He was the previous Fixed-Term Representative on the 2021 Correctional Bargaining Team.
Bruce Heaney – ADM/OAD/OMP/TEC Representative
- Bruce is a Facilities Mechanic/Facilities Technician 3 at the Toronto East Detention Centre. He started his career in 2007 at the Mimico Correctional Centre, and worked at the Toronto Jail before it’s decommissioning. Bruce’s background is in construction trades. He holds a red seal in sheet metalworking, and is a TSSA gas fitter. He is a Steward at TEDC.
Chris Heath – Fixed-Term Representative
- Chris is a Fixed-Term Correctional Officer at the Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre. He started his career in 2019. Chris has been an active Steward at EMDC and is involved in the Social Committee.
Scott McIntyre – Probation and Parole Representative
- Scott is a Probation and Parole Officer at the North Bay Probation and Parole Office. He started his career as a Correctional Officer in 1990 at the Mimico Correctional Centre, prior to becoming a Probation and Parole Officer in 1993. Scott is the Probation and Parole Officer SolGen MERC representative. Scott has been a member of multiple previous bargaining teams, including as the Probation and Parole representative on the 2021 Correctional Bargaining Team.
Josh Miller – Correctional Officer Representative
- Josh Miller is a Correctional Officer at the Algoma Treatment and Remand Centre. He started as a Correctional Officer in 1997 at the Thunder Bay Jail before transferring to ATRC in 2007. He is currently the local President at ATRC and a Correctional Officer representative on the 2021 Correctional Bargaining Team.
Chad Oldfield – Correctional Officer Representative
- Chad is a Correctional Officer at the Maplehurst Correctional Complex. He started his career in 2004 at MHCC. He held the roles of Chief Steward, and Vice-President, before being elected to two terms as local President. He has been on the SolGen MERC since 2016 and is currently the SolGen MERC Chair, as well as the Chair of BMERC. Chad was an OPSEU/SEFPO Executive Board Member from 2022-2024. Chad was a Correctional Officer representative of the 2017 Correctional Bargaining Team which created the stand-alone Correctional Bargaining Unit Collective Agreement.
Denise Sidsworth – Probation Officer/Probation and Parole Officer Representative
- Denise is a Probation and Parole Officer at the Milton Probation and Parole Office. She started her career in 1999 as a Correctional Officer at the Maplehurst Correctional Complex. She became a PPO in 2003 and has worked at the several offices in the Central Region. She is currently the Probation and Parole Health and Safety Representative on PJOHSC and is co-chair of the Central Region Employee Relations Committee. Denise was the Probation Officer/Probation and Parole Officer Representative on the 2021 Correctional Bargaining Team.
Johanna Sinclair – Probation Officer Representative
- Johanna is a Probation Office at the Newmarket Youth Probation Office. She started her career in 1998 at a phase one youth facility before becoming a Probation Officer in 2005. Johanna is a local President for a composite local in Simcoe County. She is currently the YJ MERC Vice-Chair and has been on the YJ MERC since 2019. Johanna was the Probation Officer Representative on the 2021 Correctional Bargaining Team.
Todd Snider – Correctional Officer Representative
- Todd is a Correctional Officer at the Stratford Jail. He started his career as at the Barrie Jail, worked at the Waterloo Detention Centre and Brantford Jail prior to their closures. Todd is the local President at the Stratford Jail and was a Correctional Officer Representative on the 2021 Correctional Bargaining Team.
Andrew Ruszczak – OPSEU/SEFPO Negotiator
- Andrew has been a Staff Negotiator with OPSEU/SEFPO since 2016. He has worked with many central bargaining teams negotiating contracts with difficult employers. Andrew has an extensive background in labour relations and negotiations, and is eager to support the elected Correctional Bargaining Team members in this round of negotiations.
Category | Title |
COR Institutional & Health Care Category | Dental Assistant |
Dental Assistant A | |
Dental Hygienist | |
Psychometrist 1-2 | |
Psychologist 1-3 | |
Social Worker 1-2 | |
Social Work Supervisor 1-2 (BU) | |
Registered Practical Nurse 1-4 | |
Pharmacy Technician 1-2 | |
Pharmacist – Staff | |
Laundry Worker 1-5 | |
General Nurse 1-3 | |
Mental Health Nurse | |
Public Health Nurse 1-2 | |
Nurse Practitioner | |
Cook 1-3 (BU) | |
Food Service Helper | |
Hospital Housekeeper 1-2 (BU) | |
Chaplain 15, 16 | |
Pharmacy 16, 17 | |
Social Work 17, 18 | |
Food Services (10 OFS – 14 OFS) | |
COR (ADM, OAD, OMP/TEC) Category | Library Technician 1-4 |
Volunteer Services Assistant | |
Volunteer Services Organizer | |
Motor Vehicle Operator 1-2 | |
Building Systems Operator | |
Security Officer 1-4 | |
General Administration 13, 14, 15 | |
Financial Administration 14, 18 | |
Social Program 16, 18, 19 | |
Personal Administration 17 | |
Program Analysis 17, 18, 19 | |
Purchasing and Supply 17 | |
Cleaner 1-3 | |
Supply Clerk 1-7 | |
Facilities Mechanic/Facilities Technician 1-3A | |
Maintenance Carpenter | |
Maintenance Carpenter, Foreman/Woman | |
Maintenance Carpenter/Inspector | |
Maintenance Electrician | |
Maintenance Electrician, Foreman/Woman | |
Maintenance Electrician/Contract Inspector | |
Facilities Mechanic/Facilities Technician Foreman/Woman | |
Maintenance Plumber | |
Maintenance Plumber, Foreman/Woman | |
Maintenance Welder | |
Office Administration 1-13 | |
Multi-Other Category | Oak Ridge Attendant 1-4 |
Cannery Supply Officer | |
Cannery Supply Officer, Group Leader | |
City Crew Officer | |
Correctional Locksmith | |
Grounds/Maintenance Worker | |
Hairdresser Instructor | |
Industrial Officer 1-3 | |
Observation and Detention Home Worker | |
Provincial Bailiff 1-2 | |
Correctional Services Recreation Officer 1-3 | |
Correctional Services Rehabilitation Officer 1-2 | |
Steam Plant Engineer/Officer | |
Supervisor of Juveniles 1-2 | |
Trade Instructor 1-3 | |
Oak Ridge Vocational Instruction Officer 1-2 | |
Correctional Officer Category | Correctional Officer 1-3 |
Correctional Supervisor | |
Youth Services Officer Category | Youth Worker |
Probation & Parole Officer Category | Probation Officer 1-3 (SolGen) |
Probation Officer Category | Probation Officer 1-3 (YJ) |
Probation Officer/Probation & Parole Officer Category | Probation Officer 1-3 (YJ or SolGen) |
FXT Category | FXT members |
In solidarity,
Janet Laverty, Bargaining Team Chair
Adam Cygler, Bargaining Team Vice-Chair