OPSEU Liquor Board Employees Division

LBED members asked to sign form for wage discrimination case


Human Rights claim will proceed

OPSEU will proceed with its wage discrimination claim against the LCBO and has asked all casual customer service representatives to sign on.

"There is no downside to us proceeding with this complaint," OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas told an LBED tele-town hall meeting this morning.

Thomas has written a letter  to LCBO casual customer service representatives to explain the case that is now before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. The Tribunal requires completed consent forms. OPSEU's lawyers request that members complete them. Signed consent forms must reach OPSEU by Monday, June 10.

The LCBO deliberately created a core workforce of mainly women who work 25 to 40 hours a week in retail stores, but earn 38 per cent less than full-time employees doing identical work, Thomas said in his letter.

"The LCBO does this so it can pay thousands of workers less and restrict their benefits and promotions. Discrimination seems to be part of their business plan," he wrote.

The union has tried to fix the problem, but even where agreements were made or remedies were ordered, "the LCBO, over time, recreated the discrimination," said Thomas.

OPSEU's lawyers have advised that by signing the consent form (download at right),  members will demonstrate for the Tribunal that they believe their employer has violated their right to equal treatment at work and allow the union to represent them.

The Ontario Human Rights Code protects individuals from reprisal or the threat of reprisal for pursuing their rights under the code.

OPSEU's claim of wage discrimination based on gender is now before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.  OPSEU is asking for this remedy.

Consent Form for Casual Customer Service Representatives

Download Form Now 

President Warren (Smokey) Thomas letter to LBED members 

To participate in human rights claim:

Download and fill in your form and

  1. sign, scan, and email it to: Steve Nield at snield@opseu.org  or
  2. fax to 416 448-7464 or
  3. mail it in to Head Office, 100 Lesmill Rd. Toronto, ON M3B 3P8 or
  4. Complete at ratification vote locations or
  5. Return to your staff representative or Regional Office.

Signed forms must reach OPSEU by Monday, June 10, 2013.