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Join the RAA in the fight against the blood ban! Sign the petition today!

Two men close together smiling for the camera beside the Rainbow Alliance logo.

Calling all OPSEU/SEFPO members,

Please sign our petition to end the blood ban!

Trans women and men who have sexual relations with men in Canada are forbidden to donate blood to Canadian Blood Services and Hema-Québec, unless they abstain from sexual activity for at least 3 months. The current rules are rooted in prejudice as all donated blood in Canada undergoes in depth screening and testing. Many countries do not apply a 3 month requirement that trans women, men who have sex with men, 2-spirit, gay and bi-men should undergo a deferral period without sexual activity prior to donating blood.

We invite you to unite with us and sign this petition to Patty Hadju, Minister of Health, to let her know that it’s time to end this discriminatory policy which is prejudicial and inequitable to those impacted.

Click here to sign the petition today. Please share this widely.

Thank you,
OPSEU/SEFPO Rainbow Alliance arc-en-ciel

Share these e-cards with friends and family:

A comic book image of someone whispering into a man's ear. The man is then concerned. a cartoon of men and women standing together with a bag of blood shaped as a heart above them. A cartoon of two men walking through a field A drag queen holding her dress looking deep into the camera.


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