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ILO urges McGuinty to address part-time college worker concerns

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The McGuinty government has snubbed the International Labour Organization by refusing to respond to OPSEU’s allegations regarding the rights of part-time college workers to organize, according to a recent ILO report.

The report requests that McGuinty meet with OPSEU, stating ““the committee requests the Government to initiate consultations with the union concerned with the view to address the concerns raised by [OPSEU].”

“We call on McGuinty to meet with OPSEU and address the concerns raised by the International Labour Organization,” said OPSEU president, Warren “Smokey” Thomas. “This government must see that the Ontario Labour Relations Board opens the ballot boxes and counts the cards.”

Ontario’s part-time community college workers are still being denied the basic right to form a union and participate in collective bargaining.

Thousands of Ontario part-time college workers cast ballots over 22 months ago in the largest vote on unionizing in Ontario history. These ballots remain uncounted.

OPSEU represents more than 15,000 full-time faculty and support staff at community colleges across Ontario.